Friday 27 August 2010

The RETURN of...

Im back guys... and ready and willing to share so heres a recent print job... a page for teh "Grapevine magazines" youth section...

more to come soon...

Monday 12 July 2010


While i busy myself washing down cars and driving vans, my blog sits still collecting dust. It is with great shame i must announce i will now be out of the country for 3 weeks in which internet availability will be limited to the odd internet cafe... (i dont like those much.) so with this post i blow away the cobwebs in anticipation of the spiders who will be only to willing to return them in my absence.

Thursday 3 June 2010

"Guns and Pork"

The quote in the title has abslutely no relevance to this.. but check the vid on youtube.. funny times.

single frame from a 3d animation of a cube, from which explodes some text. but yeh im not up on the best way to render these things out... and so the animation was a FAIL... but these stills came out ok... here ya go.


Wednesday 26 May 2010


im learning right so excuse the cheap poorness of this 3D experimentation.

3D scene creation

so yeh ... tryna learn new stuffs... and i KNOW 3D imaging will undoubtedly be a big helper in any career in motion graphics so i best get to grips eh... heres some play in Cinema 4D.

this is actual 3D as opposed to photoshop 3D which im still not sure where to put in terms of pigeon holing stuff into sub categories of other stuff.

Monday 24 May 2010

Saturday 22 May 2010

messing with the new 3d tools in photoshop... tis only the begining initial idea for a T-shirt design being worked on. More to come soon.

Thursday 20 May 2010

Showreel 2010

UPLOAD is over! finally after what feels like an entire day the showreel is here. I know what i think... lemme know what you guys think of it. any sugestyions for improvements and what not.

Daniel Michael Cameron

I have changed the name of this Blog. For a number of reasons. but mainly to avoid pigeon holing myself into any one discipline. Yes i love learnign my motion Graphics. But i am a trained Graphic Designer, and feel the previous title didnt allow so much room for this.

so yeh stay tuned for some fresh work postings. Coming real soon.

God Bless

Tuesday 11 May 2010

My Days (Lovers discourse 'a fragment')

guys its been over a month.. i feel so weak, but you know... been hard at work conceptualising and sketchbooking for my FMP, heres a taster, of one of the videos.

It's a piece inspired by the seminal writing of Roland Barthes, and the biblical story of Hosea and Gomer.

more to come soon.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

A friend of mine is putting on a concert to launch an album he's been creating as part of his degree in music production / sound type stuff..

so i did alittle work on teh titles at the begining and ends of the video and a good friend of mine worked on editing the fottage for the body of the ad.

Hollla wid ya thoughts

Monday 29 March 2010

Trapcode Particular

Trapcode Particular...

we doing it again.. man i need something to do... like my FMP... i shud fet back to it.

God Bless Dudes

A J.O Production

A J.O Production.. a friend of mine is Holding a concert as part of his degree, and i got to play around creating the title effect for the concert advert.

check the facebook events page for more info...

This has been a quick ting by Daniel Cameron

God Bless Dudes

Saturday 27 March 2010

PArticle POW...

HEy guys... im throwing, this straight up out there.. coz i want to share this with you all.. its my latest experimentation with after Effects, and Trapcode particuar

fun times.

check out my channel also for all my older videos.. ithink i'll only throw up the latest ones on here... no time for the retrospective.

God Bless dudes

Hey all, and welcome

Hey guys welcome to my blog. Some of you have been urging me to join the blogging legions and i suppose i have finally given in.

i look forward to sharing my exploits in After Effects, Photoshop, and all other areas of CS4 asap, and welcome your views and comments on my work.

Thank you all for your time. feel free to visit as frequently or as in frequently as takes your fancy.

God Bless dudes